
Base class for the avatar generator.

class DAvatar


  • style (DStyle): the style of the avatar

  • seed (str): the seed of the avatar

  • options (DOptions): the options of the avatar

  • customisations (dict): the customisations of the avatar (alias: customs)

  • url_svg (str): svg url for the avatar

  • url_webp (str): webp url for the avatar

  • url_avif (str): avif url for the avatar

  • url_png (str): png url for the avatar

  • url_jpg (str): jpg url for the avatar

  • url_jpeg (str): jpeg url for the avatar

  • url_json (str): json url for the avatar data

  • schema (dict): the dict schema of the avatar style

def __init__()

Create an avatar using this class. str(DAvatar) returns the svg url.

def __init__(self,
    style: DStyle = DStyle.random(),
    seed: str = None,
    options: DOptions = DOptions.default,
    custom: dict = None
) -> None

Returns: None: when called as string it will return the svg link

def edit()

Edit an already existing DAvatar.

def edit(self,
    style: DStyle = None,
    seed: str = None,
    extra_options: DOptions = None,
    blank_options: DOptions = None
) -> str # returns a string containing the svg link

Returns: str: the svg link of the edited avatar

def edit_specific()

Deprecated: removed since v2.2.3

-> use DAvatar.customise() instead.

def customise()

Alias: customize()

Customise the specific options for an already existing avatar. Specific options/customisations are different for every style, so make sure to check all the possibilities here.

def customise(self,
    extra_options: dict = None,
    blank_options: dict = None
) -> str # returns a string containing the svg link

Returns: str: the svg link of the edited avatar

def save()

Save the avatar to your device.

def save(self,
    location: pathlib.Path | str = None,
    file_name: str = "dicebear_avatar",
    file_format: DFormat = DFormat.svg,
    overwrite: bool = False,
    open_after_save: bool = False
) -> str # the path where it has been saved if successful

Returns: str: the path where the avatar has been saved if successful else -1


def view()

Alias: open()

Open and view a DAvatar object.

def view(self
    format: DFormat = DFormat.svg,
    use_pil: bool = True
) -> None

Returns: None

def pillow()

Convert a DAvatar instance to a PIL.Image.Image object.

def pillow(self
) -> PIL.Image.Image

Returns: PIL.Image.Image: the Image object to edit using the Pillow module

Raises: PILError: if Pillow module is not found on your device

def text()

Returns the avatar's full text/file in str format. (only useful for svg and json)

def text(self,
    format: DFormat = DFormat.svg
) -> str

Returns: str: the text of the image

def bytes()

Returns the avatar's bytes in io.BytesIO format (only useful for png and jpg).

Use io.BytesIO.read() to convert it to actual bytes when necessary.

def bytes(self,
    format: DFormat = DFormat.png
) -> io.BytesIO

Returns: io.BytesIO: the bytes of the image

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