
Classes used to facilitate the module's usage.


  • options (list): all possible basic options (work for all styles)

  • default_options (dict): a dict with all default options

  • styles (list): all available styles

class DColor

def __init__()

All colors used for this module are made with this class. This uses HTML/hex color codes.

Note that html_code can also be transparent when used for the backgroundColor option!

def __init__(self,
    html_code: str | list[str] = "transparent"
) -> None

Returns: None: when called as string it will return the color code

Raises: IncorrectColor: an incorrect html color code is given

def random()

Get a random valid HTML color code.

def random(
) -> DColor()

Returns: DColor: the DColor instance with a random color.

class DStyle

def __init__()

Not to be initialized!

def get_schema()

Returns a dict with the JSON schema (all properties) of the given avatar style.

def get_schema(
    style: str
) -> dict

Returns: dict: the dictionary containing the avatar style's schema.

def random()

Get a random style for DStyle.

def random(
) -> str

Returns: str: returns a random Style string.

def from_str()

Get an avatar style from a string.

def from_str(
    style_str: str
) -> str

Returns: str: returns a Style string from the given string if the style exists.


  • list = all_styles

  • adventurer

  • adventurer_neutral

  • avataaars

  • avataaars_neutral

  • big_ears

  • big_ears_neutral

  • big_smile

  • bottts

  • bottts_neutral

  • croodles

  • croodles_neutral

  • dylan

  • fun_emoji

  • glass

  • icons

  • identicon

  • initials

  • lorelei

  • lorelei_neutral

  • micah

  • miniavs

  • notionists

  • notionists_neutral

  • open_peeps

  • personas

  • pixel_art

  • pixel_art_neutral

  • rings

  • shapes

  • thumbs

class DFormat

def __init__()

Not to be initiated!

def from_str()

def from_str(
    format_str: str
) -> str

Returns: str: returns a Format string from the given string if the format exists.


  • list = all_formats

  • svg

  • webp

  • avif

  • png

  • jpg

  • jpeg

  • json

class DOptions

def __init__()

def __init__(self,
    flip: bool = False,
    rotate: int = 0,
    scale: int = 100,
    radius: int = 0,
    size: int = 0,
    backgroundColor: DColor | list(DColor) = DColor(),
    backgroundType: str = "solid",
    backgroundRotation: int = 0,
    translateX: int = 0,
    translateY: int = 0,
    randomizeIds: bool = False
) -> None

Returns: DOptions: the DOptions instance to use for DAvatar.


  • empty

  • default_options = default

Last updated