
Error classes to find errors more accurately.

class Error(Exception)

Generic error.

def __init__(self,
    error_type: str = "",
    message: str = ""
) -> None

class HTTPError(Error)

The API call returned an error.

def __init__(self,
    dic: dict # The caught HTTP error will often be returned as a dict
) -> None

class ImageError(Exception)

Generic error in terms of the avatar image.

def __init__(self,
    message: str = None
) -> None

class ImageValueError(ImageError)

The avatar image has a value error.

def __init__(self,
    file_name: str = None
) -> None

class ImageOSError(ImageError)

The image cannot be written to your device.

def __init__(self,
    message: str = None
) -> None

class PILError(ImageError)

PIL is not installed or a DAvatar method that uses PIL raised an unexpected error.

def __init__(self,
    message: str = "To use this function you need to install Pillow."
) -> None

class IncorrectColor(Exception)

The color you provided is not in hex format.

def __init__(self,
    wrong_color: str = None
) -> None

class InvalidOption(Exception)

The option you provided is not a valid option.

def __init__(self,
    wrong_option: str = None
) -> None

def log_error()

Manually log an error either printing the error or raising it.

def log_error(
    exception: Union[Exception, str],
    raise_error: bool = False
) -> None

Raises: The given exception if raise_error is set to True

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